New Moon
Men igår så var man på midnattsvisningen av New Moon :D Det var otroligt kul Fösrt så fick man se Twilight, jag har aldrig gillat Twilight filmen men nu när man såg den på bio med en härlig publik så blev den lite bättre faktiskt. Men New Moon blev jag väldigt nöjd med. Vet inte om jag har så mycket att klaga på. Och publiken var ganska lugn faktiskt, men hade en tjej bredvid som pratade under vissa scener där Jacob var med.
Men tänkte skriva lite mer ingående vad jag tycket senare...
Bakom födelsedags scenen
På MTVs hemsida kan man hitta den fina video med lite bakom inspelningen av födelsedags scenen.
Här kan du läsa artikelns som tillhör videon
New Moon special på MTV
Entertainment intervju

Bevis eller ej??
Nu tycker jag själv inte att dessa bilderna bevisar något. Dem håller bara handen eller ja armen. Visst dem kanske är ihop, spelar inte så stor roll men som sagt tycker inte detta bevisar det. Vänner kan också bete sig såhär, speciellt när man i en film har spelat att man älskar varandra. Tror man håller kvar den närheten och att man känner sig bekväm med varandra.
Men alla får dra sina egna slutsatser..
Men vad tycker ni?? Är detta bevis eller ej?
New Moon har nått BK
Tänk om man bodde i USA då hade man kunnat köpa ett sånt här meal på Burger king:
När man köper detta mealet så får man New Moon samlarkort och rabattkuponger på New Moon saker. Varför kan man inte ha det här i Sverige??
kläd tips..
Klicka här för att läsa mer
tips for dressing like Rosalie:
One word can define Rosalie – icy. This super-sharp dresser rocked a curvy body in skinny jeans with her fitted blazer, long scarves, and sky-high heels. Perhaps she’s the one who really started this whole boyfriend jacket and scarf craze! The New Moon clips haven’t revealed much of Rosalie yet except for the party scene, but even that one little glimpse shows she’s not slacking in the style area. She’s looking lean and mean in that LBD (little black dress) that is without a doubt not off the rack. Rosalie trends: boyfriend jackets; designer heels; red lips with anything.
Twilight fest tips
Här är några av tipsen dem har uppe. Klicka här för att läsa mer
Creative Signs
A little imagination can go a long way to adding some Twilight Saga flair to your party. Think of moments, phrases or images from the books & movies — then use them to create signs or banners for your party, like this one:
Here are a few suggestions for banners:
- The forbidden fruit tastes the sweetest
- Have a dazzling birthday
- Stupid shiny Volvo owner
- You are my life now
You could also go for some comical touches … a personal favorite from one of our past parties was a sign inviting guests to use band-aids to cover-up any cuts. Try putting out a few boxes of band-aids and bandages, along with a sign warning about Jasper’s blood lust.
It's over
Sen får man väl se på rödamattan live istället som jag skrev i ett tidigare inlägg.. Fast tror det går kl 2 på natten, får hoppas på att man orkar vara uppe då ;)
Los Angeles Live
The Twilight Saga: New Moon Trailer and Premiere Announcement
New Moon Premiere | MySpace Video
Det är svårt att sitta och inte tänka på det skulle vara om man faktiskt vann. Vad skulle man göra? vad har man på sig? Skulle något behövas skaffas? Nu är detta inte så bra för ju mer man tänker på det desto jobbigare och mer besviken skulle man bli om man inte vann.
Nu skulle jag absolut vara glad för den som vann, jag är glad över att någon överhuvudtaget kommer få chansen att gå på detta. Men tror ändå att när man får reda på vem den lyckliga är kommer alla känslor man har haft dessa två dagar att komma fram som tårar..
Men får väl se hur det..
End of tävling...
Lycka till alla och vi hörs imon!
Föresten någon som har anmält sig???
Taylor Swift
Top 10..
Top Ten Reasons Leah Clearwater is Better Than Emily Young.
1. Well, the obvious reason why Leah wins in a battle against Emily is the fact she’s a shape-shifting werewolf. What is Emily? Nothing.
2. Leah is second in command (Jacob’s beta) in Jacob’s pack. Emily is lucky if she is co-ruler of her household. I can’t imagine Sam being easy to deal with.
3. Leah is a stronger woman. She puts a smile on her face, and is going to be a bridesmaid at the wedding in which she might have been the bride. Emily on the other hand can’t even take a wolf claw to the face. Seriously? Weak much?
4. Leah can hunt for her food out in the woods if she needs some nutriment. She doesn’t need anyone – human, werewolf, shape-shifter, or vampire – getting it for her. Emily has to go to the grocery store, and then requires cooking before consuming. Hardcore women – also known as Leah – eat things raw.
5. Leah has got sass. Emily has got a muffin recipe. Enough said.
6. Leah spends most of her time with a group of shape-shifting werewolves against her will. Emily spends most of her time with a group of shape-shifting werewolves out of free will. Really who wants to spend that much time with the wolf pack out of free will?
7. Leah has a perfectly flawless face. While Emily on the flipside has more than a few flaws strewn across her face.
8. Leah protects Cullens when the pack tries to destroy them. Emily stays loyal to her man, thus she betrays all Edward fans. See what a problem this is? She must despise most of the Twilight fanbase if she wants to get rid of him.
9. Emily in the future might have to deal with the problem entitled “children”, while Leah just doesn’t have to worry about that problem.
10. And finally, Leah could potentially be around forever and ever, while Emily is going perish no matter what. And then this argument will be over. Leah wins.
10. Because he’ll hold your drink for you when you need to use your hands, and he’ll keep it cold, too. Not to mention he can be your personal ice-pack when you have a Bella moment.
9. He’s a vampire and they’ve been around for centuries whereas werewolves are just new inventions. (Quote courtesy of Rob Pattinson)
8. He won’t fall asleep and drool all over you.
7. Who needs a disco ball when you have Edward? Just take him outside and dance it up ’cause he sparkles!
6. He’s a gentleman and will offer you choices.
5. He won’t stink like a wet dog if you wash him.
4. Jacob may run a 108° temperature but Edward’s still hotter.
3. He’ll whisper sweet nothings in your ear in many different languages as well as quote Romeo & Juliet verbatim.
2. Because, in the end, he got the girl!
1. He is portrayed by Robert Pattinson… need we say more?
10. If you’re ever stuck out in a snowstorm, his body heat could save your life.
9. He has the best vamp insults and some great blonde jokes!
8. He’s still young enough to be impulsive and foolish. Every girl needs more of that in her life!
7. He could take you out to eat and actually eat with you.
6. He is a 6’7” tall, gorgeous, muscular Native American – what else do you need?
5. He’s half naked most of the time.
4. Sometimes a girl needs a heating pad rather than an ice pack.
3. He is the epitome of tall, dark, and handsome. Plus, he’s HOT!
2. He’s like a puppy and a boyfriend all wrapped up in one!
1. He won’t leave you stranded in the forest after breaking up with you.
1. Edward has a mysterious side to him…while Jacob is sort of predictable.
2. Edward can control his hunger… while wolves tend to be more aggressive.
3. Edward is devoted to Bella… while Jacob seem more friend material
4. Edward has been in his condition longer than Jacob and knows what can make him go over the edge.
5. Edward is smarter than the average wolf and has so many degrees it amazes me that school doesn’t bore him.
6.Even though they both can’t get along at least Edward tries to reason with Jacob.
7. Too much fur can make you sneeze.
8. True love always triumphs in the end… Edward is who Bella longs for.
9. Vamps have a way to make everything they do sexy.
10. Vamps are way hotter.
The roligaste Quotes i New Moon
På twilight novice har man listat dem roligaste kommentarerna från new moon borträknat Alice bästa kommentarer och det bästa som sägs i Italien, för dem har redan listat det.
10. “There are rules? I mean, I wanted to be a… to be one of you! Shouldn’t somebody have explained the rules to me?” ~ Bella (page 430)
9. “If I develop this film, will you show up in the picture?” ~Bella (page 25)
8. “You haven’t changed at all. I expected a perceptible difference, but here you are, red-faced just like always.” ~Emmett (page 26)
7. “Five foot four is perfectly average. It’s not my fault you’re a freak.” ~Bella (page 147)
6. “What! Why does everyone keep doing that to me? I don’t smell!” ~Bella (page 409)
5. “Why are you apologizing for bleeding?” ~Jacob (page 188)
4. “So – since you’re staying. Can I have my stuff back?” ~Bella (page 525)
3. “What a marshmallow. You should hold out for someone with a stronger stomach. Someone who laughs at the gore that makes weaker men vomit.” ~Jacob (page 211)
2. “You should probably know that I’m breaking the rules right now. Well, not technically, since [Charlie] said I was never to walk through his door again, and I came in the window…. But, still, the intent was clear.” ~Edward (page 503)
1. “It will be like looking for a piece of straw in a haystack!” ~Edward (page 532)